Steam Launch
-34' Overall 18"Draft 51/2 Beam Single prop. Hydraulic Steering
-1903 Bluprint was acquired for 20HP comoound reciprocating steam engine
-hand built by Ian Ablett in 3 years
-steam is generated by a horizontal boiler with capacity of 15 gallons of water
-fired by kerosene
-produces constant 150 pounds of steam in just 10 minutes
-all steam recirculates in a closed system so no additional water is needed
-boiler fabricated and welded by Ian Ablett and Randy Stilwell
-boat was designed and built by Ian Ablett using Philippine mahogany for deck and interior,
and basswood gratings,oak ribs
-construction of boat was 3 years with an additionalyear for sanding and brush applied varnish,
hand rubbed between coats of Interlux/Goldspar/Clear Poly #95 finished by Lynda Horinka
-launched "2004" on Lake Norman N.C.
-the Ben Gunn has logged over 400 hours with numerous awards